Disillusioned Farc victims turn back on Colombia peace deal as they vote for hardline president

In the moist heat of El Bagre’s harsh climate, Wilson Leudo fights off mosquitoes as he recalls how a commander of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or the FARC, paid a visit to his family home in 2002. 

“He offered us a million pesos (£260) for my 14-year-old sister,” he says. “We refused, but the next day she’d gone. He just took her.”

It would be two years before Wilson saw his sister again. She had been repeatedly raped and forced to work as a cook, before managing to escape. 

Just months later, Wilson’s brother would also disappear. “They tried to recruit him, but he refused to join their struggle, and for that, you pay a heavy price.”

Wilson tells his story with ease, but it does…

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