WWE Hall of Famer The Iron Sheik recently spoke to WWE.com and says he’s not happy about Jinder Mahal using his Camel Clutch finishing move:
“First, I want to say hello to all my [WWE] fans. That was my hold, only Iron Sheik hold, and now the Indian man come and use it. He never ask me, never talk to me … and now he use my hold.”
“If I was a young Iron Sheik, I can suplex him … humble him first and then I show him my Camel Clutch, but I never got to that point. Now he using me, he use my greatest hold, the Camel Clutch, I don’t know. Sometimes I can be happy that the Indian come use my hold, sometimes I can be unhappy because why you have to use my hold?”
“Only one Iron Sheik, one Camel Clutch. No one else in the young generation try to be the Iron Sheik [besides Jinder Mahal], but he is not Iron Sheik.”
The article notes that Sheik is recovering from recent ankle surgery.
* Picture of RYBACK With Long Blonde Hair (WTF?)