MP Farmers Who Didn’t Take Any Loan Shocked To Find Their Names In Loan Waiver List, Threaten To Commit Suicide

The interim Finance Minister Piyush Goyal announced his government’s plan of providing an assisted income support to small and marginal farmers under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme as part of the interim budget on February 1.

However, it is the farmers who are suffering at the behest of tall promises made by different political parties. Times of India reported that the farmers threatened to commit “mass suicide” after their names appeared in a loan waiver list despite many of them not having availed any loan at all.

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Many had taken loans for far less amount than the ones given in the list. These anguished farmers belonged to Hilgan village of Sagar district in Madhya Pradesh. Reportedly they all assembled at the Panchayat office on Saturday to protest against the false list.