Sur le tournage de “Salaud, on t’aime” de Claude Lelouch… [PHOTOS]

Découvrez quelques photos de tournages de la dernière réalisation de Claude Lelouch, postées au jour le jour sur les réseaux sociaux.

Le tournage de Salaud, on t’aime. comme si vous y étiez, ou presque ! Découvrez une série de clichés du nouveau film choral de Claude Lelouch publiées au fil du tournage sur les réseaux sociaux. Pour plus de photos, consultez la page Facebook ou Twitter officielle de Claude Lelouch.

Pour rappel, le personnage principal de “Salaud on t’aime”, un photographe de guerre qui a négligé sa famille, est interprété par Johnny Hallyday. A ses côtés figurent notamment Eddy Mitchell, Sandrine Bonnaire, Jenna Thiam, Irène Jacob, Pauline Lefèvre et Valérie Kaprisky.

Précisons, par ailleurs, qu’Adriana Karembeu ne fait pas partie du casting; cette information ayant été démentie.

La sortie du long métrage, produit et distribué par Les Films 13, est prévue pour 2014.

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Crédits :

Valérie Perrin,, @lelouchofficiel, @LHallyday et @JohnnySjh

Marine Lorphelin blessée à Tahiti

Présente à Tahiti pour l’élection de la miss 2014 de la petite île du Pacifique, Marine Lorphelin a vu son séjour à l’autre bout du monde entaché par une blessure…

Quelques jours seulement après avoir validé son deuxième semestre de médecine, Marine Lorphelin a pris la direction de Tahiti pour une semaine de détente bien méritée. Un voyage paradisiaque aux côtés de Sylvie Tellier et de la miss France 2014, Flora Coquerel. Après avoir découvert les charmes de la petite île de Polynésie française et profité d’une après-midi wakeboard, la jeune femme a malheureusement vu son périple s’arrêter aux urgences. «Journée spéciale à #Tahiti. Élection décalée et un passage aux urgences. La médecine m’a rattrapée #bobo» a tweeté, ce samedi, l’ancienne miss France sur son compte officiel. A priori rien de grave même si on imagine que la belle aurait sans doute préféré ne pas faire d’escale à l’hôpital.

Il est vrai que depuis son arrivée à Tahiti, la Bourguignonne de 21 ans semblait nager dans le bonheur. La miss France 2013 a notamment été impressionnée par la diversité de l’environnement local: «Je ne m’attendais pas à découvrir autant de paysages différents, sublissimes & la culture omniprésente ici à Tahiti». On ne sait pas encore si Marine Lorphelin a finalement réussi à assister à l’élection de la nouvelle miss Tahiti, ce samedi soir. Le concours, très relevé, a été remporté par la jolie Hinarere Taputu. Un sacre qui a visiblement ravi Sylvie Tellier. «Félicitations à Hinarere Taputu élue Miss Tahiti 2014 ce soir à Papeete #MissFrance» a écrit sur Twitter la jeune maman et directrice de la société Miss France.

Crédits photos : Non renseigné

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John Galliano : « S’il n’y avait pas eu cette vidéo, je serais probablement mort »

« J’aime Hitler. Des personnes comme vous devriez mourir. Vos mamans et vos ancêtres, devraient tous être gazés ». Difficile de faire oublier les injures nauséabondes qu’il avait prononcées, attablé à une terrasse de café parisienne, en 2011. Trois ans après la publication d’une vidéo témoin qui lui a couté sa place chez Dior, le talentueux couturier britannique John Galliano revient sur le devant de la scène, assagi, et s’explique dans le Supplément, sur Canal +.

« Je ne suis pas antisémite et je ne suis pas raciste, pour autant ce sont des mots que j’ai prononcé ». John Galliano était aujourd’hui l’invité de Maïtena Biraben dans le Supplément de Canal +. A l’occasion de son grand retour, après 3 ans et demi d’absence forcée, le créateur s’est expliqué sur le dérapage qui a fait de lui un paria. Guéri, après une cure de désintoxication de 3 mois en Arizona, puis un long séjour en Auvergne où il s’est reconstruit, ce dernier a fini par lever le voile sur son combat.

« Je ne suis pas responsable de ma propre maladie et maintenant c’est moi qui suis responsable de ma propre guérison » a-t-il d’abord expliqué sur le plateau de télévision. « Dans les affres de la maladie » depuis longtemps et noyé dans « l’alcool et les médicaments », le designer a justifié ses mots en racontant : « Je n’ai aucun souvenir de cet épisode », puis, « J’ai été provoqué et un mécanisme de défense s’est mis en place ». En face, une Maïtena Biraben dubitative le pousse dans ses retranchements : comment expliquer ce choix dans le verbe ? demande-t-elle. John Galliano répond : « Je ne pourrai pas convaincre tout le monde et je sais qu’il y a des gens qui ne me pardonneront jamais, et je le comprends ».

Toujours est-il que deux semaines après cet épisode, en 2011, l’ancien directeur artistique de la maison Dior a « fait une dépression physique nerveuse complète », confie-t-il. Devant les images, d’une violence inouïe, il plaisante d’abord : « Le chapeau est affreux ! » avant d’ajouter : « Je ne veux pas prendre ça à la légère mais j’ai pris un peu de recul par rapport à ça, en Arizona, en désintoxication. C’était dur mais il y a eu des choses merveilleuses. Cela m’a permis de prendre du recul, de me détacher de cette scène et je peux maintenant voir (la vidéo) de manière objective et rationnelle ».

Sobre, John Galliano n’a pas bu d’alcool depuis 3 ans et demi. Il affirme à présent : « S’il n’y avait pas eu cette vidéo, je serais probablement mort. J’ai beaucoup perdu mais j’ai aussi tellement gagné, je suis encore en vie et j’ai pu faire un travail sur moi-même ».

Le retour de John Galliano est prévu avant Noël indique le Supplément. Pour l’instant, l’artiste revient à la créativité « pas à pas » – il est actuellement directeur artistique de la marque russe l’Etoile. Interrogé quant à une éventuelle rentrée dans la haute couture, notamment chez LVMH, l’ancien chouchou de Bernard Arnaud s’interroge : « pourquoi pas ? ». Et d’ajouter à propos de son ancien patron : « J’ai essayé de l’appeler au début du scandale, peut-être que le moment n’était pas encore mûr. Pour autant je garde l’espoir, j’espère lui rendre visite et lui expliquer ce qu’il s’est passé ».

L’interview s’achève sur une note d’espoir pour celui qui semble en avoir fini avec son chemin de croix : « Au bout du compte quand je reviendrai je sais que le monde de la mode n’aura pas changé… Mais moi, j’aurai changé ».

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Report: FBI Still Investigating Jussie Smollett for Federal Mail Fraud

Despite all charges being dropped against Empire star Jussie Smollett Tuesday, the actor reportedly still faces an FBI investigation for mail fraud.

Fox News reported on air Tuesday that the FBI is still looking into Jussie Smollett allegedly sending himself a death threat letter through the mail.

“A spokesperson for the FBI, we just reached out to, and they tell us ‘no comment.’ All along, the FBI–which is, you know, usually very quiet, did not weigh in on their investigation,” an FNC reporter said on air.

“But, Jussie Smollett, according to Chicago police, allegedly sent himself a death threat letter just one week prior to the alleged hoax,” the reporter continued.

“Chicago police allege…when that letter didn’t get enough traction or enough attention, he decided to carry out with this alleged hoax. If the FBI determines that Jussie Smollett did send that letter to himself, he faces a charge of mail fraud, which is pretty substantial. Five to ten years in prison. Chicago police did tell us all along that the FBI is investigating that letter. The FBI just won’t confirm to us.”

This aligns with reporting from ABC7 Chicago, which confirms that Smollett is still being investigated by the FBI.

News broke Tuesday that all charges related to Smollett allegedly staging a fake attack against himself in January were dropped.

UK to push for more flexibility in Brexit talks

The U.K. wants open-ended talks rather than the monthly rounds | Jack Taylor/Getty Images

UK to push for more flexibility in Brexit talks

British officials are concerned that by sticking to the same four-day format for talks, neither side will be able to make a breakthrough in time for the December summit.


10/31/17, 4:01 AM CET

Updated 10/31/17, 4:47 PM CET

LONDON — Before the negotiations come negotiations about the negotiations.

In Brussels Tuesday, U.K. and EU negotiators will thrash out a format for the next round of Brexit talks ahead of a December meeting of the European Council, when EU leaders will decide if “sufficient progress” has been made to warrant moving to the next stage.

Officials in Brussels accuse the U.K. of dragging its feet on the question of the format. They claim that if both sides had agreed earlier, there might have been three full rounds of talks.

British officials argue that the Commission has been inflexible about how negotiations are conducted.

They want to change the format, arguing that a change would give both sides a better chance to break deadlocks over a financial settlement between Britain and the EU, Northern Ireland and citizens’ rights.

The U.K. has proposed one “single open-ended” set of talks to replace the formal, one-round-per-month set-up preferred by Brussels, officials familiar with the process said.

Other options put forward include a less formal, rolling format under which David Davis and the EU’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier would be called into Brussels whenever a political decision was needed.

British officials are concerned that by sticking to the same four-day format for talks neither side will be able to make a breakthrough in time for the December meeting.

“The usual monthly rounds won’t be enough to deliver what we need,” said one senior U.K. official.

Behind the scenes, British officials have been pressing the EU for a more “dynamic” negotiating process, but Brussels is committed to maintaining the formal one-week-on, three-weeks-off format, the official said.

Senior U.K. government officials in Westminster stressed that they had been pushing for a more flexible negotiating format for months, to no avail.

Tom McTague 

Democrats Honor Anti-Trump Rapper T.I. for 'Outstanding Public Service'

Democratic lawmakers in Georgia honored convicted felon and virulently anti-Trump rapper T.I. on Friday for “outstanding public service,” citing his positive contributions toward the local community.

The recognition came after Democratic lawmakers passed a resolution, introduced by State Sen. Donzella James (D-Atlanta,) applauding him for his philanthropic work, which has involved setting up charities aimed at helping those living in poverty and sufferers of Alzheimer’s disease.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, his efforts also include “[speaking] at area schools as part of his post-prison community service and has donated time and money to worthy efforts ranging from hurricane relief to the Boys & Girls Clubs,” as well as hosting “Thanksgiving turkey giveaways and [delivering] Christmas presents to families in need throughout the city.”

However, T.I. also has also stirred controversy for his viciously personal attacks on President Trump — who he called the poster child for white supremacy — and his family. In October last year, he angered conservatives after releasing a music video featuring First Lady Melania Trump as a nude stripper dancing on a Resolute desk in a fake Oval Office.

The video drew a response from Mrs. Trump’s spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham, who described the video as “disgusting” and urged people to boycott the rapper’s music.

The rapper, whose real name is Clifford Harris Jr., has previously lashed out at fellow rapper Kanye West over his relationship with President Donald Trump, denouncing his Oval Office meeting with Trump as “shameful.”

“From what I can gather… This is the most repulsive, disgraceful, Embarrassing act of desperation & auctioning off of one’s soul to gain power I’ve ever seen,” he wrote at the time.

Follow Ben Kew on Facebook, Twitter at @ben_kew, or email him at [email protected].

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Invited to Speak at Glastonbury Festival

U.S. socialist firebrand Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been invited to speak at this year’s Glastonbury festival, reports the NME.

The U.S. Congresswoman, elected in 2018 to New York’s 14th Congressional district, has been asked to speak at the festival two years after hard-left Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn took to the same stage.

Corbyn and Ocasio-Cortez spoke on the telephone for 45 minutes in February, with Corbyn congratulating Ocasio-Cortez, often known by her initials AOC, on her election victory.

Mr Corbyn said she was “challenging the status quo”, while Ms Ocasio-Cortez said of her conversation with Mr Corbyn that they shared a “great hope in the peace, prosperity, + justice that everyday people can create when we uplift one another across class, race, + identity at home & abroad”.

It is not yet known if Ocasio-Cortez will accept the invitation to speak at Glastonbury, but it is reported that Jeremy Corbyn is waiting in the wings to speak in her place should she decline the offer.

Ocasio-Cortez immediately made herself known on the political scene following her election victory when she proposed her so-called Green New Deal, a socialist programme which among other things proposed to retrofit all buildings in the U.S. to be environmentally friendly, curtail air travel, and end fossil fuel use.

The proposal was heavily criticised by U.S. Republicans but supported by many Democrats, as well as Mr Corbyn in the United Kingdom.

Ocasio-Cortez’s Green plans were so well received by some in Britain, they proposed to launch their own, with hard-left Green Party member of Parliament Caroline Lucas cooperating with members of the left-wing Labour opposition party to launch a “purposefully radical” new deal of their own.

Ms Ocasio-Cortez has been known to have extreme views on climate change, even going so far as to question whether people should still have children. She said in one livestream, “There’s scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult. And it does lead, I think, young people to have a legitimate question, you know, is it okay to still have children?”

In her short time in politics, Ocasio-Cortez has caused a number of controversies. Most recently she publicly defended her Democratic colleague Ilhan Omar over comments Omar made about the September 11th radical Islamic terrorist attacks, which she downplayed as “some people did something”.

Another controversy came as she told Dan Crenshaw, a Republican Congressman, to “go do something” about terrorism after he spoke out about Ilhan Omar and her September 11th comments.

Crenshaw, a military veteran, lost an eye fighting in Afghanistan.

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Vestager files Apple lawsuit despite Dublin’s promises

European Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager delivers a speech during the 2017 Web Summit in Lisbon on November 7, 2017 | Patricia de Melo Moreira/AFP via Getty Images

Vestager files Apple lawsuit despite Dublin’s promises

The new lawsuit increases the pressure on Dublin to act on its promise to collect back taxes.



The European Commission is taking Ireland to the EU’s top court over its failure to collect more than €13 billion in back taxes owed by Apple — despite Ireland’s finance minister promising Monday to start finally collecting the money in 2018.

The new lawsuit, which has been assigned a case number and was filed this month, cranks up the pressure on Dublin to act on its promise.

In August 2016, European Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager ordered Dublin to collect back taxes from Apple dating back to 2003. Dublin was meant to collect the taxes by January of this year.

A Commission spokesperson declined to comment but referred back to a previous statement.

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“The Commission decided in October to refer Ireland to the EU Court for failing to implement the Commission decision.”

“At the same time, we hope that we can work constructively with the Irish authorities to make sure that recovery is completed as soon as possible. That would also allow us to close this procedure.”

Nicholas Hirst 

Hollywood Demands Congress Impeach Trump After Mueller Speaks: 'It's Your F**king Job'

Hollywood’s loudest left-wing activists took to social media en masse on Wednesday and reacted to former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s statement about his election investigation by calling on Congress to begin the process of impeaching President Donald Trump.

“The President of the United States obstructed Justice. Now it’s up to Congress to do its job. #ImpeachTrump,” director Rob Reiner said.

Actor John Cusack called on Congress to “do your fucking job” and begin impeachment proceedings.

After six weeks of radio silence, Robert Mueller addressed reporters on Wednesday and elaborated about the Justice Department investigation into whether Trump or members of his campaign conspired with the Russian government to influence the outcome of the 2016 election.

“If we had confidence that the president did not commit a crime, we would have said so,” Robert Mueller said, Wednesday echoing the conclusion he laid out in his report last month. “Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider. It would be unfair to potentially accuse somebody of a crime when there can be no court resolution of the actual charge. So that was Justice Department policy. Those were the principles under which we operated.”

“And from them, we concluded that we would not reach a determination one way or the other about whether the president committed a crime,” Mueller said. “That is the office’s final position and we will not comment on any other conclusions or hypotheticals about the president.”

President Trump also reacted to Mueller’s remarks, thanking the former FBI director for concluding his investigation.

“Nothing changes from the Mueller Report. There was insufficient evidence and therefore, in our Country, a person is innocent. The case is closed! Thank you,” Trump said on Wednesday.

While Robert Mueller didn’t add much news or indicate that there was sufficient evidence to indict Trump, the Hollywood left issued a call to arms for Congress to impeach him.

Check all the reaction below.

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Peaches Geldof: autopsie non concluante

Mannequin, journaliste et présentatrice, Peaches Geldof – la fille de Bob Geldof – est décédée lundi 7 avril. Deux jours plus tard, la police est toujours bien en peine de connaître la raison de cette mort surprenante. Peaches Geldof avait 25 ans.

« L’examen post mortem qui a été mené mercredi à la suite de la mort de Peaches Geldof s’est révélé non concluant. » La police britannique était toujours dans le flou aujourd’hui, malgré l’autopsie pratiquée sur la mannequin, pleurée par sa famille. Les enquêteurs attendent désormais les résultats des analyses toxicologiques, ce qui peut selon eux « prendre plusieurs semaines ».

Impossible donc pour l’instant de savoir exactement ce qui a brisé le destin de Peaches Geldof. Sa mort est actuellement qualifiée de « non suspecte, inexpliquée et soudaine » par la police ; si les forces de l’ordre ont précisé continuer à « enquêter sur les circonstances entourant ce décès ». Les enquêteurs ont par ailleurs précisé qu’ils n’avaient trouvé « aucune drogue dure » ni « note de suicide » dans le domicile de la fille de Bob Geldof : pour le médecin légiste en charge de l’autopsie il s’agit bien d’une « mort naturelle », simplement inexplicable pour l’instant.

Peaches Geldof laisse derrière elle deux fils, Astala et Phaedra.

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