Pierre Niney est Yves Saint Laurent ! [PHOTOS]

Ca tourne déjà pour le biopic que Jalil Lespert consacre au célèbre couturier et à son ancien amant et partenaire d’affaires. Découvrez les premiers clichés du long métrage !

Il y a à peine quelques jours, nous annoncions l’arrivée de Pierre Niney sur Yves Saint Laurent, troisième long métrage de Jalil Lespert. Le projet de biopic se concrétise aujourd’hui avec les premières photos du comédien (affublé des véritables lunettes de YSL !) et de ses partenaires Guillaume Gallienne et Charlotte Le Bon sur le tournage, dans le véritable atelier du couturier situé au 5 avenue Marceau.

Pierre Niney (Yves Saint Laurent) et Guillaume Gallienne (Pierre Bergé), au 5 avenue Marceau ©SND / Guillaume Faure

Pierre Niney  et Charlotte Le Bon (Victoire Doutreleau) ©SND / Guillaume Faure

Pierre Niney et Charlotte Le Bon en essayage, dans l’atelier d’Yves Saint Laurent ©SND / Photographie de Guillaume Faure (d’après la photographie de Pierre Boulat – 1962)

Pierre Niney dans l’atelier d’Yves Saint Laurent ©SND / Guillaume Faure (d’après la photographie de Giancarlo Botti – 1962)

La bande-annonce du documentaire “Yves Saint Laurent – Pierre Bergé, l’amour fou”

Yves Saint Laurent – Pierre Bergé, l’amour fou

Julie Gayet, cinéphile de sortie

À l’occasion du festival Paris Cinéma, Julie Gayet été invitée à présenter Cinéast(e)s, son nouveau documentaire. Au bras de Mathieu Busson son co-réalisateur, elle s’épanouit de nouveau.

Les Français ont toujours accordé à Julie Gayet un certain capital sympathie. Mais depuis la révélation de sa liaison avecFrançois Hollande, les lignes ont été un peu brouillées. Condamnée à la discrétion par la morale publique, Julie Gayet s’accorde finalement le droit de revenir sur le devant de la scène. Muette et discrète lors des César, puis au Festival de Cannes, lundi, à l’occasion d’une soirée Paris Cinéma, elle est apparue la plus épanouie.

Au côté de Mathieu Busson, jeune réalisateur prometteur, Julie Gayet présente Cinéast(e)s. Le documentaire réalisé par les deux amis à été présenté aux spectateurs de Paris Cinéma dans une salle du Gaumont Opéra. L’actrice et son complice ont assisté à cette projection et se sont soumis à l’exercice du photocall avec plaisir. On découvre ainsi une Julie Gayet tout sourire et décontractée. Juste après, Guillaume Canet et Adèle Haenel, César du meilleur espoir féminin, présentaient eux L’homme qu’on aimait trop, le film d’André Téchiné qui les réunit au côté de Catherine Deneuve.

La sortie de Cinéast(e)s de Julie Gayet et Mathieu Busson, sur nos écrans n’est pas officiellement prévue mais le documentaire qui s’axe autour d’échanges avec une vingtaine de réalisatrices françaises, a déjà été présenté à plusieurs reprises. En mars dernier la réalisatrice et productrice accompagnait son film à New York à l’occasion de la journée de la femme. Il s’agissait là de sa première sortie officielle depuis l’affaire du “Gayetgate”.

Lundi soir et comme à son habitude, la jolie cinéaste a opté pour un style “tomboy casual”. Pantalon 3/4, derbies vernis, t-shirt simple, trench et écharpe en laine, Julie Gayet joue la totale sobriété. Même sa blondeur de jeune femme s’est muée en un cendré plus passe-partout. Reste son sourire enjôleur et ses yeux qui pétillent pour donner à l’actrice de 42 ans tout son charme.

L’erreur qui a couté la vie à Brittany Murphy

Fin 2009, le monde du cinéma est sous le choc. La belle et joyeuse Brittany Murphy est décédée dans sa maison de Los Angeles. 4 ans plus tard, un médecin légiste explique que la comédienne aurait pu être sauvée.

Brittany Murphy n’était âgée que de 32 ans lorsqu’elle a perdu la vie le 20 décembre 2009. L’actrice a été retrouvée inanimée dans la salle de bain de sa villa, sur les hauteurs de Los Angeles. Sa mère a immédiatement contacté les secours mais il était déjà trop tard pour sauver sa fille. Quatre ans après cette date tragique, le documentaire Les dernières heures de Brittany Murphy revient sur cette sombre période et interviewe le médecin légiste chargé de l’autopsie de la star.

Le docteur Richard Shepherd est convaincu que la comédienne aurait pu être sauvée. A l’époque, il avait conclu que son décès était dû à une pneumonie doublée d’une anémie. Seulement, le docteur Shepherd précise que dans les jours qui ont précédé sa mort, l’actrice consommait un large éventail de sédatifs et d’antidépresseurs. Elle était donc dans un état léthargique qui n’a sûrement pas permis à ses proches de détecter la gravité de la situation. « Si l’ambulance avait été appelée 24 heures avant, elle aurait pu être sauvée », assure le médecin légiste. Cette erreur lui a couté la vie.

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Comme souvent lorsqu’une personnalité décède de façon inattendue, de nombreuses rumeurs ont vu le jour sur les causes du décès. Les trois théories revenant le plus fréquemment sur internet faisaient état d’une anorexie maladive, d’une surconsommation de cocaïne ou encore d’un empoisonnement criminel. Pourtant, le médecin légiste assure qu’aucune de ces théories ne tient la route.

Au cours des derniers mois de sa vie, Brittany Murphy vivait comme une recluse, au côté de son mari. Effrayée par les paparazzis et convaincue que le gouvernement américain l’espionnait, elle refusait de sortir de chez elle et avait même fait installer un système de sécurité habituellement destiné aux banques. Rester enfermée de la sorte durant une longue période aurait aggravé la pneumonie de la comédienne, selon le docteur Shepherd. D’ailleurs, quelques mois seulement après la disparition de Brittany, son mari, le réalisateur Simon Monjack, est décédé dans des conditions identiques.


Paris Hilton, Cindy Crawford, Gerard Butler : c’est déjà Halloween chez les stars!

Halloween est arrivé en avance cette année. Alors que la fête à la citrouille n’est prévue que vendredi prochain, nos amis américains ont pris de l’avance ce week-end, en s’affichant comme le veut la tradition, dans des costumes inventifs (au choix: sexy, drôle ou effrayant). Une soirée s’est tenue hier soir, à Los Angeles, organisée par Casamigos Tequila, la marque de spiritueux détenue par George Clooney et son meilleur ami Rande Gerber.

Paris Hilton en Minnie Mouse, Hilary Duff en fée, Gerard Butler en Captain America… ils étaient nombreux hier, à Los Angeles, à sortir en avant-première leurs costumes, sous les yeux des photographes pour l’évènement organisé par Casamigos Tequila. Aux commandes, Rande Gerber, le meilleur ami et associé de George Clooney, qui avait invité tout son carnet d’adresse, dont quelques personnalités plus ou moins connues.

Déjà engagé ailleurs pour tout un week-end, George Clooney n’a malheureusement pas fait le déplacement hier, à Los Angeles. Les premiers effets du mariage, sans doute… L’acteur et tête d’affiche de Ocean Eleven doit en effet participer ce soir à un diner post-nuptial, organisé par ses beaux parents Ramzi et Baria Alamuddin, au Royaume-Uni.

Peu importe, vendredi soir la fête a continué sans lui. Au bras de l’organisateur de la soirée, l’ancien top-modèle qui partage sa vie, Cindy Crawford, avait profité de l’occasion pour sortir en tenue légère. Un choix vers lequel s’est aussi orienté Paris Hilton. La bimbo n’a pas hésité à découper la jupe de Minnie pour la rendre étonnement provocante. Un relooking express auquel s’est aussi risqué Elisabetta Canalis, l’ex-compagne de George Clooney, optant pour la candeur de Dorothée, héroïne du Magicien d’Oz.

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Alec Baldwin Teases Presidential Run: 'Beating Trump Would Be So Easy. So Easy.'

Actor Alec Baldwin routinely mocks President Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live, but the star now believes he could actually beat the president in a real White House race.

“If I ran for President, would you vote for me?” Alec Baldwin asked his followers on social media Monday. “I won’t ask you for any $. And I promise I will win. Beating Trump would be so easy. So easy. So easy.”

Baldwin certainly hasn’t hidden his hateful feelings for the President Trump.

Just this week, the 61-year-old called Trump “lazy, corrupt, neurologically impaired” and previously compared him to a Nazi.

“The United States has a National Socialist tumor in its body and it is growing day by day,” he said in November. “This alone should compel you to do everything in your power to get rid of Trump.”

Last year, the Hunt for Red October star declared that the Trump presidency was America’s punishment for historical wrongs like slavery.

“Trump is a curse, brought down on us as punishment 4 our sins. The slaughter of Native Americans, slavery, Japanese internment, Vietnam. Every hateful, misogynistic, racist notion, intertwined w our better nature, Trump embodies those. He is us. Now we can face it + exorcise it.”

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While he’s not delivering political hot takes like these, Baldwin occasionally finds himself in trouble with the law.

In January, the 30 Rock star pled guilty to second-degree harassment after he allegedly punched a man in a parking lot in New York City in November 2018.

Fashion Notes: Melania Trump Takes Florals to New Heights in Louboutin Stilettos

First Lady Melania Trump strutted out of the White House to the Rose Garden on Thursday in a pair of stilettos that take florals to new heights.

For the National Day of Prayer event in the Rose Garden, Melania Trump opted for an Emilia Wickstead fit and flare midi skirt dress in a pleasing shade of green.

The dress, which features Mrs. Trump’s preferred shape of a fitted bodice and a rounded neckline, is currently sold out but previously retailed for about $2,000. Mrs. Trump showed off her slim waist by adding a thin crocodile belt in nearly the same shade of green.

As of late, Mrs. Trump has been particularly focused on vibrant, summer-ready footwear. For the Rose Garden event, she chose a pair of her favorite Christian Louboutin floral stilettos.

Avid Fashion Notes followers will remember that Mrs. Trump wore these same pumps in June 2017 with a blue Michael Kors sheath dress.

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(AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

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(AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

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(Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder

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Finance ministers scold Moscovici over tax-avoidance labeling

European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs Pierre Moscovici | Emmanuel Dunand/AFP via Getty Images

Finance ministers scold Moscovici over tax-avoidance labeling

The anger stemmed from comments the commissioner made after the EU published a report on aggressive tax planning in the bloc.



Seven finance ministers slammed the European Commission’s tax czar on Tuesday behind closed doors for publicly naming and shaming their countries last week for enabling tax avoidance in the EU.

Finance ministers from Belgium, Cyprus, Hungary, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, and the Netherlands all took turns berating Pierre Moscovici during the closed session of the ECOFIN meeting in Brussels.

But Moscovici was prepared for the altercation after the countries’ diplomats said last week that their finance ministers would corner the French commissioner for his action.

The anger stemmed from comments that Moscovici made after the EU’s executive arm published a report that analyzed aggressive tax planning in the bloc during its European Semester process scrutinizing EU members’ economies.

Commission officials maintain that the countries were forewarned about the revelations in the individual country reports in the European Semester package. But the accused finance ministries strongly disputed that account.

“This year’s emphasis on aggressive tax planning goes way beyond the emphasis on the remit of the European Semester,” Luxembourg’s Pierre Gramegna told Mosvocivi, who officials said “wasn’t listening” and was busy texting on his phone. “The naming of the seven countries is extremely unusual.”

After the finance ministers had their say, however, Moscovici responded: “This isn’t a crusade,” according to the officials. “The Commission is the first to defend different countries when people say that there are tax havens in Europe” — including his own use of Twitter to do so, Moscovici said.

But he also stressed that “a lot more progress” is needed to fully address aggressive tax planning across the EU.

Finance ministers weren’t convinced, said the officials, who warned that his comments could come back to hurt him in the future. “It wasn’t a good thing for Moscovici because already a lot of people didn’t like him and now the situation is worse,” one official said.

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Brussels’ Selmayr problem: Too many Germans in top jobs

Martin Selmayr was appointed the European Commission's top civil servant | European Commission

Brussels’ Selmayr problem: Too many Germans in top jobs

The promotion for Jean-Claude Juncker’s chief of staff came out of the blue and has been criticized as lacking transparency.


2/21/18, 6:25 PM CET

Updated 2/21/18, 6:49 PM CET

Too many Germans and not enough transparency.

Those were the main complaints among EU diplomats and members of the European Parliament about the surprise appointment of Martin Selmayr, Jean-Claude Juncker’s chief of staff, as the Commission’s top civil servant. The move gives the already-powerful German lawyer even more influence in Brussels and ensures he will stay in the secretary-general post even after the current Commission departs in October next year.

The move means Germans will hold the secretary-general position in three EU institutions. Klaus Welle holds the post at the European Parliament while veteran diplomat Helga Schmid has the equivalent position at the European External Action Service.

“I find these nominations of people representing big countries problematic,” said Frank Engel, a Luxembourgish member of the European People’s Party, the same center-right political family to which Selmayr belongs.

A senior EU diplomat said Selmayr’s nomination was not surprising as “he acted and worked in the interests of the European Commission.”

However, having a third German as secretary-general in the EU is “not possible,” the diplomat said.

“There needs to be a balance of nationalities,” he said. “Three Germans is too much.”

Another EU diplomat went as far as saying that Selmayr’s appointment was a “power grab that gives lots of power to the Germans.”

Selmayr’s supporters argue that he serves the Commission rather than the German government. But with Germany becoming even more powerful inside the EU with Britain’s departure, many nations are concerned that Berlin will hold too much sway inside the bloc’s institutions.

“With all these Germans in town, Berlin is not in the position to get more positions next year,” said another diplomat, even though “Selmayr has not been always in line with [German Chancellor] Angela Merkel.”

Other German nationals who hold key positions in the EU include Werner Hoyer, the president of the European Investment Bank.

Selmayr is also a controversial figure inside the European Council, where officials resent his influence and his no-holds-barred style. “He is so hated that often at the Council I hear people saying that they take a line opposite to him in principle, just because it’s him,” said an EU official.

Some in Brussels also complained about the manner of Selmayr’s appointment, which came out of the blue on Wednesday morning. His nomination was added to the weekly meeting of commissioners at the last minute, a participant said, to avoid the news being leaked and prevent opposition to the move building up.

In an ironic tweet, the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group said it was looking forward to seeing the Commission releasing “the results of the competition held for candidates for Secretary General.”

“Congratulations to Martin #Selmayr for winning this open and fair competition!” it added.

“How does the Commission expect people to believe that the EU is capable of change and listening to the voters when the process for appointing to top positions is so opaque,” said Syed Kamall, a British MEP and the president of the ECR group. “The Commission should be looking at ways to make Brussels more transparent and democratic, yet this appointment resembles nothing more than jobs for the boys.”

Dutch Liberal MEP Marietje Schaake described Selmayr as “political, controversial and not a bridge builder.”

“Maybe he should have run for political & accountable office instead,” she tweeted.

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Lebowitz: Maybe Saudi Arabia Can Get Rid of Trump Like They Did Khashoggi, Apologizes | Breitbart

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” author Fran Lebowitz said that President Trump deserves to be turned over to “The same Saudis who got rid of that reporter. Maybe they could do the same for him.” Lebowitz later apologized for the remarks.

Lebowitz said, “Impeachment would be just the beginning of what he deserves.”

She added, “Whenever I think about this and what he really deserves, I think, we should turn him over to the Saudis, his buddies. The same Saudis who got rid of that reporter. Maybe they could do the same for him.”

Later, during the “Overtime” segment, Lebowitz said, “I didn’t realize that I said it. … I regret saying it.”

She added, “I did not mean that, and I regret saying it. I regret that everyone misinterpreted it…they misinterpret everything. Why should they stop with me?”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett

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Julia Roberts Wishes Every Bathroom Was 'Gender Neutral'

Hollywood actress Julia Roberts urged schools across America to make every restroom gender neutral in a social media post this week.

“I wish they all said this,” Julia Roberts captioned a photo of her standing in front of a “gender neutral restroom” sign.

The Academy Award-winner directed followers to her Instagram story where she expressed support from GLSEN, an organization that seeks to “improve an education system that too frequently allows its lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning (LGBTQ) students to be bullied, discriminated against, or fall through the cracks.”

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“GLSEN makes schools safe for every student no matter your sexual orientation or gender identity,” the Eat Pray Love actress said.

On top of her LGBT activism, Roberts has jumped into the political space campaigning for Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election.

During a Broadway fundraiser a month before the election, she went on a strange profanity-laden rant, saying, “Wouldn’t it be great if every time an actor so scared and out of their element said fuck you just had to instantly give five hundred dollars.”

“Let’s, okay let’s fucking make that what goes on right now. I don’t know. I’m just saying. I’ve been dragged out here. I’m scared and tired. Oh, my kids are watching this. So for every bad mother that says the F-word—could all the mothers that relate — just five hundred bucks.”

The 51-year-old previously starred in a climate change activist ad campaign as the voice of “Mother Nature,” threatening humans, “I have fed species greater than you and I have starved species greater than you.”