WWE Raw Results (09/03/12) – Chicago, Illinois

Date: September 3rd

We are LIVE in: Chicago, Illinois

Commentators: Michael Cole & Jerry Lawler

A recap of the CM Punk/Jerry Lawler match from last week plays.

Michael Cole says that minutes before Raw, Jerry Lawler was supposed to come out for commentary, but failed to come out during his entrance.

Footage is shown from three minutes before Raw began. CM Punk is beating up Jerry Lawler backstage. Referees and officials hold the two back and Punk is pulled away.

The Raw intro plays.

World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus comes out and heads down to the ring to address the fans. Jerry Lawler is receiving medical attention at the moment.

Well it looks like we’re off to quite a start in Chicago! Whenever he’s in Chicago the party never ends. But tonight the party will end for Alberto Del Rio. That’s because at Night of Champions he-

WWE Champion CM Punk comes out with a mic in hand. The crowd is going crazy for Punk.

Sheamus…don’t come out and try to talk to his hometown. They can’t relate to a guy like him. They can relate to a guy like Punk because he’s from here. How’s everybody doing? What they saw a little bit earlier was him beating up Jerry Lawler. But what the cameras did not catch was Jerry attacking him from behind. There’s only one king in Chicago, and if you come at the king you best not miss. Lawler got what was coming to him Chicago style. It’s bad enough he had to attack him from behind, but Lawler has been verbally against him week after week. In the cage match they had he decided to teach him some respect. That is, until a little white knight came out and stuck his nose where it didn’t belong. That white knight’s name is John Cena. He did to Jerry Lawler what he deserved because on Raw 1000 he stated that Punk turned his back on the WWE Universe. So he asks, did he turn his back on them?! Cena helps Jerry Lawler, and if he helps him that means he agrees with him. And if he agrees with Lawler that means he disagrees with Punk. And if he disagrees with Punk he’s disrespecting him. And if he’s foolishly disrespecting the WWE Champion of the past 288 days, then it’s Cena who has turned his back on the WWE Universe. Rest assured-

Fella, fella. Yes, he knows they’re in his hometown, but he wants to talk about disrespect? He wants to come out and say he’s the best in the world? Well he’s the World Heavyweight Champion. And he’s interrupting him? Come on. That’s like the crime Rock committed to Punk. Now Punk’s doing the same. At least The Rock had the guts to step into the ring unlike him who is all the way across the stage. So how about he comes on down?

He already beat up one goon tonight. He’s got nothing to do with him. He’s the World Heavyweight Champion, but that only makes him second best. That comes with a pecking order. In that pecking order he’s right behind him, so he should shut his mouth.

He wants him to shut his mouth? Why don’t he turn around since he’s talking out of his ass he might as well be looking at it.

That’s just the sort of disrespect-

Raw General Manager AJ Lee comes out on stage.

No disrespect, Punk and Sheamus, but she has an announcement to make. Night of Champions is two weeks away which gives her an idea for two matches tonight. The number one contenders for the WWE and World titles will face meaning Alberto Del Rio takes on John Cena. The other is a “champion vs. champion” match. That means World Champion Sheamus will take on WWE Champion CM Punk.

AJ skips around the ring while Punk and Sheamus raise their titles.

Backstage, Randy Orton is heading to the ring to face Dolph Ziggler in tonight’s opening match.



Vickie Guerrero comes out.

She’s got personal issues with AJ, and she’ll discuss those with all of them tonight. But right now it’s her pleasure to introduce to them the man who will defeat Randy Orton just like he did Chris Jericho, he is the resident show off…DOLPH ZIGGLER!

Ziggler comes out and heads down to the ring.

Orton comes out and heads into the ring as his opponent.

[Match #1]
[Singles Match]
[Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler]

Bell sounds. Ziggler with a side headlock. Bounce off the ropes and Ziggler with a dropkick. Ziggler taunts Orton as he gets back up. They circle each other and grapple. Orton with a side headlock.. Off the ropes Orton with a bump. Ziggler leap frog and Orton with a shoulder bump and a dropkick for one. Orton starts stomping on Ziggler’s limbs one by one. He picks Ziggler up and whips him into a turnbuckle. Ziggler counters, but Orton catches him and hits a springboard vertical suplex for a two count. Ziggler back up and he punches Orton into the corner. He unloads on Orton until the ref gets him out of the corner. Ziggler whips Orton into the turnbuckle and Orton shoves him back before tossing him out of the ring. Orton grabs Ziggler and tosses him shoulder first into the barricade. He picks him up and does the same on the other side. He follows it up with a clothesline. Orton slides back into the ring.


Orton with a headbutt to Ziggler. Whip into the rope and he flapjacks Ziggler down. Orton picks up Ziggler at the corner and lands a two count of punches. Whip into the ropes and Ziggler with a kick to the leg followed by a swinging neck breaker. Orton slides out of the ring. Ziggler goes after him and whips Orton shoulder first into the barricade. Ziggler picks Orton up and tosses him back into the ring. He covers for a two count. Ziggler with a standing elbow drop for two. Ziggler applies a headlock submission. He shows off by doing a headstand while applying the hold. Orton gets up and punches Ziggler off. He runs the ropes and Ziggler kicks him down. Ziggler tries to another elbow, but he misses. Orton back up and he whips Ziggler into the corner. Ziggler counters with a high elbow and hits a running clothesline for two. Ziggler makes his way to the top turnbuckle. He waits for Orton to get up, but Orton counters by running into the ropes and dropping Ziggler on the turnbuckle pad. Orton with a European uppercut and a headbutt. Orton climbs to the top with Ziggler and hits a superplex for a two count. Orton and Ziggler get up. Orton with two clotheslines and a powerslam. He puts Ziggler on the apron and Ziggler with a jawbreaker. Ziggler runs towards him and Orton counters with his signature backbreaker for two. They get back up. Ziggler with a DDT on Orton for two. Ziggler grabs him and Orton counters by swinging Ziggler onto the apron and hitting a DDT off the middle rope. Orton goes for RKO, but Ziggler counters by sending Orton into the turnbuckle. He runs forward and Orton counters with a sunset flip roll up, but Ziggler uses his own momentum to get on top of Orton and roll him up for the three count.

Winner via Pinfall: Dolph Ziggler
Time: 13:42

Still to come, Alberto Del Rio versus John Cena and Sheamus versus CM Punk.

As Ziggler heads to the back, Intercontinental Champion The Miz comes out and joins Cole on commentary. He will be replacing Lawler.


We get our first anger management segment. It took place last week.

Everyone gets in their seats, including Bryan and Kane.

The therapist asked them to create an anger collage. So they should take them out and share with the group.

Daniel shares his. It’s a picture of “YES” and “NO” written many times.

He says “Yes” people say “Yes”. He says “No” people say “Yes!” They say it over and over and over again. He can’t take it anymore!

The therapist says that’s good and asks Kane to share.

Kane has a blank page.

This is supposed to be a reflection of how he feels. Does he feel blank?

He wants to see how he feels inside?

Kane stands up, crumbles the piece of paper and throws it in the trash. He then sets the trash can on fire and sits back down.

Bryan calls him a teacher’s pet.

Okay…let’s talk about our families.

Miz says that’s a whole new take on anger management.

Backstage, Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio are heading to the ring together for tag team action.


Rey Mysterio comes out and heads to the ring for a match.

Sin Cara comes out as his partner.

Tensai and Cody Rhodes come out as their opponents.

[Match #2]
[Tag Team Match]
[Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara vs. Tensai & Cody Rhodes]

Cody and Cara start off. Cody kicks Cara and shoves him down. Whip, Cara ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard back hand. Cody backs into his corner and converses with Tensai before circling around Cara.


Tensai is in the ring now. He headbutts Cara against the turnbuckle before tagging back in Cody. Rhodes kicks Cara against his corner and distracts the ref so Tensai can headbutt him. Cody covers Cara for a two count. Cody drops his knees on Cara’s back and turns it into a surfboard submission. Cara gets out of it but Cody kicks him down and tries to take the mask off. Cara fights it off so Cody takes him into the corner and tags Tensai in. Tensai with a jab to the throat followed by a body slam. Tensai with a nerve pinching submission. Tensai shoves Cara into the turnbuckle. Cara counters with an inzigiri kick. Cody tags himself in and grabs Cara, but Cara rolls off of Cody and tags Rey. Mysterio enters the ring, runs the ropes and hits a head scissors DDT on Cody. Rey climbs to the top and hits a senton dive for the count of two. Cody tries to roll up Rey from behind but Rey counters with a dropkick for two. Tensai enters the ring and kicks Rey. He goes for an outsider’s edge, but Rey counters into a 619 position. Cody counters with a slam for two. Cody picks him up and Rey counters with the 619. Tag to Cara. Cara climbs to the top and hits a senton bomb on Rhodes for the three count.

[Winners via Pinfall: Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara]
[Time: 07:53]

Another anger management segment.

The therapist has everyone holding hands. He says they have trust issues and so they’re gonna do a “circle of trust” exercise. Everyone moves their chairs out of the way. Bryan and Kane have to demonstrate. Will they please stand?

Bryan and Kane hesitantly stand up.

He wants Bryan to fall backwards so Kane will catch him.

He will?

They need to do this successfully so they can break through. Plus they don’t want to do this again next week.

Bryan says no.

Kane says it’s okay.

Bryan trusts him.

Bryan falls and Kane catches him.

Therapist says he’s so proud of them that they’re moving on to phase two. He wants them both to catch Harold.

Harold is hesitant but he agrees to do so. He falls and neither one catches him.

Did Kane know he wasn’t going to catch him?

Did Bryan know he wasn’t going to catch him?

Bryan thinks he finally understands Kane.

The therapist says that Harold needs medical attention.

World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus comes out and heads to the ring for his match.

WWE Champion CM Punk comes out and heads to the ring, but he’s still in street clothes. Punk asks for a mic.

Sweet home Chicago! Sheamus, there’s a lot he doesn’t know about his city. The first thing, they respect him and his decisions. They get it. They understand that a WWE Champion against a World Heavyweight Champion is a WrestleMania main event. They understand that CM Punk is a main event wrestler. This place respect the fact that you don’t put Punk on the 8 o’clock hour and exploit him. They respect all his decisions. It’s Labor Day and people probably took a day off of work. That’s why they’re all going to respect him doing the same thing.

Punk drops the mic and exits the ring. He leaves while holding up the WWE Championship. Sheamus picks up the mic.

Punk wants to talk about disrespect? That’s what he did by walking away. They want to see this match!

The camera cuts to P{unk walking backstage. AJ goes up to him.

He can’t leave! He has a match.

Check the contract. He has personal days. This is one of them.

Punk walks over to a limo and gets inside. He leaves.

Matt Striker asks AJ what she’s going to do about the match.

AJ asks who he is. Well whoever he is, tell Sheamus to stay in the ring because she’s going to find someone for him to face.

AJ skips away.


Alberto Del Rio comes out and heads to the ring with Ricardo. Sheamus is still in the ring. Alberto sits down at commentary.

Jack Swaggers comes out and heads to the ring as Sheamus’ opponent.

[Match #3]
[Singles Match]
[Sheamus vs. Jack Swagger]

They grapple. Swagger and Sheamus shove each other into a turnbuckle corner. Swagger gets behind but Sheamus with a side headlock. Shove into the ropes and Sheamus with a shoulder bump for one. Shamus put in an arm lock but Swagger shoves Sheamus into the turnbuckle and drives shoulders into the chest. Sheamus counters with a knock down, climbs to the top and hits a shoulder takedown off the top for a two count. Sheamus whips Swagger. Swagger ducks and clips the leg. He covers Sheamus for a one count. Swagger punches Sheamus and whips him into the corner. Sheamus with a boot to the face followed but a couple forearm clotheslines. He goes for another clothesline, but Swagger counters and goes for a side suplex. Swagger lifts Sheamus on his shoulder but Swagger slips off and drops Sheamus down. Swagger hits the Swagger Bomb for two. Sheamus and Swagger get up. Sheamus kicks Swagger down and applies a Texas Cloverleaf submission on Swagger. Swagger taps.

[Winner via Submission: Sheamus]
[Time: 02:43]

While Sheamus is distracted, Del Rio slides into the ring and attacks Sheamus from behind. The two grapple until Ricardo gets involved. Sheamus shoves Ricardo out of the ring and hits Del Rio with White Noise. Sheamus calls for the Brogue Kick, but Ricardo shoves Del Rio out of the way and gets hit by it. Del Rio leaves the ring and Sheamus celebrates.

Still to come, John Cena takes on Alberto Del Rio.


Eve Torres comes out and heads to the ring for a match.

Kaitlyn comes out as her opponent.

[Match #4]
[Singles Match]
[Kaitlyn vs. Eve]

They circle each up and grapple. Eve gets behind Kaitlyn and Kaitlyn takes Eve down, runs the ropes and hits a cross body for two. Kaitlyn with a side headlock on Eve. She shoves her into the ropes. Leapfrog over Eve and Kaitlyn with an arm drag. Eve tackles Kaitlyn down and punches her. The referee pulls Eve away. Eve offers a handshake to Kaitlyn and Kaitlyn slaps it away. Eve with an arm lock and whips her into the ropes, and Eve turns it into a guillotine choke submission. Kaitlyn gets up and Eve snapmares her down. Kaitlyn gets up and shoves her off. Kaitlyn goes for a leapfrog but it botches. Kaitlyn grabs her leg and looks injured. The ref checks on her. While doing so, Eve kicks her in the gut and hits a swinging neck breaker for three.

[Winner via Pinfall: Eve]
[Time: 03:12]

Eve shakes Kaitlyn’s hand, leaves the ring and goes over to Layla. Eve offer her a handshake. They shake. Eve leaves and heads up the ramp.

Backstage, Swagger is dressed and ready to leave. AJ runs up to him.

What is he doing?

He’s leaving. He’s taking extended time off. He’s better than this. He doesn’t know what happened to him, but he’s better than this.

He can’t leave her! Lesnar left, Jericho left, Punk left. She can’t have more people leaving her.

Swagger says sorry and leaves.


One more anger management segment.

The therapist wants to congratulate them all on completing anger management. He’s more proud of Kane and Daniel. Do they have anything to say?

Bryan stands up.

Thanks, Doctor. He’s taught so much. He had an anger problem, but that’s behind him. And he’s happy to give Kane a rematch of their Summerslam match where he beat him anytime he wants.

Kane gets up.

Thank you, Daniel. And someday he’ll be happy to accept the challenge. He’ll do his best NOT to eviscerate him.

Wait a minute…that’s assuming he CAN eviscerate him. That’s hard to do if he’s tapping out.

Kane says he can make it so he can’t physically leave this room.

Harold tries to interrupt.


They argue and the doctor tries to get them to settle down, but he loses his cool.


The therapist storms out of the room.

Cole has an announcement. It’s up to the WWE Universe to decide Daniel Bryan and Kane’s fate. If they want the two to compete against each other, team up with each other, or simply “hug it out”, vote now on Twitter.

Backstage, Striker asks Del Rio about Ricardo’s condition.

Otunga steps over.

On behalf of his client, there is no comment at this time.

Both Otunga and Del Rio head back into the Trainer’s Room.


Jinder Mahal is already in the ring for a match.

His opponent, Ryback, heads down to the ring.

[Match #5]
[Singles Match]
[Ryback vs. Jinder Mahal]

They grapple. Ryback shoves Mahal across the ring. He goes for a spear, but Jinder counters with an arm lock with punches to the shoulder. Ryback simply shoves him off. Jinder keeps at him with knees to the chest, but Ryback chops him down. He shoves Mahal into the corner. Mahal kicks him back, climbs to the middle rope and shoulder tackles him for one. Mahal runs the ropes and Ryback scoop slams him. He whips Jinder into the ropes and back body drops him. He grabs Mahal and lifts him up into a powerbomb. He waits for Mahal to get up and hits a running clothesline. He then picks up Mahal and hits Shellshock for the three count.

[Winner via Pinfall: Ryback]
[Time: 02:15]

Striker knocks on AJ Lee’s door.

He says she may not know who he is, but she has to admit that things are falling apart. What is she going to do about it.

She says to please tell Cena that his match with Del Rio is a Falls Count Anywhere match. GO TELL HIM!

Striker leaves.

Daniel Bryan comes out and heads to the ring.

Kane comes out and heads to the ring as either his opponent or his partner depending on the votes.

Cole announces the results of the Twitter poll. Will they face each other, team up, or hug it out?

And the result is…HUG IT OUT!

Both men don’t seem too happy about it. The ref tells them to do it. Bryan shouts “NO!” while the fans shout “YES!” Kane walks to the center of the ring. Bryan inches closer. The fans chant “HUG IT OUT!” They step away from each other. Bryan raises his arms and prepares a hug, but he goes back to shouting “NO!” Bryan goes over to Kane and gives him a chest bump. Kane offers and does a chest bump of his own. Bryan finally wraps his arms around Kane and hugs him. Bryan yells at Kane to hug him! Kane hesitates at first and then gives him the most awkward hug ever. But it’s STILL not enough as they have to hug each other at the same time. Bryan raises his arms up and Kane finally grabs him and the two hug each other. They seem satisfied and shake each other’s hands.

Bryan gives him a friendly tap. Kane taps him back. Bryan gives him a slightly harder tap. Kane taps him harder. Bryan then shoves him back. Kane shoves Bryan. Bryan and Kane continue to shove each other until Bryan slaps him. Kane goes after him and Bryan kicks him in the legs. Kane boots him in the face, grabs him and Bryan shoves him out of the ring. Bryan goes for running dropkick off the apron, but Kane with a jab to the throat. Kane grabs a steel chair and tosses it into the ring. He then grabs Bryan and chokeslams him. He wraps the chair around Bryan’s head and climbs to the top rope. Referees enter the ring and try to stop him. Bryan gets up, grabs the chair and smacks Kane with it. Kane falls to the mat and Bryan retreats to the back.

Still tonight, John Cena versus Alberto Del Rio in a Falls Count Anywhere match.

Backstage, Santino Marella heads to the ring to take on Antonio Cesaro for the United States Championship.


Santino Marella comes out and heads into the ring for his match.

His opponent, United States Champion Antonio Cesaro, comes out and heads to the ring along with Aksana.

[Match #6]
[United States Championship Match]
[Antonio Cesaro(c) vs. Santino Marella]

Santino shoves Antonio. Antonio hits a hip toss and a diving headbutt. He goes for The Cobra, but he forgets to put his sock puppet on. He tries to put it on but Antonio catches him and drives numerous headbutts to him. He then lifts Santino up into a side suplex. Antonio stomps on the cobra puppet and shoves Marella into the corner. Antonio with a short arm clothesline. Antonio picks Santino up again, but Santino with the split and he avoids the clotheslines. Santino crawls over to his puppet and grabs it. He shoves Antonio out of the ring and applies the sock puppet. Antonio gets back in the ring, strikes Santino from behind and hits The Neutralizer for the three count.

[Winner via Pinfall: Antonio Cesaro]
[Time: 02:05]


Both Zack Ryder and Heath Slater are already in the ring.

[Match #7]
[Singles Match]
[Zack Ryder vs. Heath Slater]

Slater and Ryder circle each other and tie up. Ryder gets behind Slater and shoves him into the ropes. Slater knocks him down. Slater runs the ropes and Ryder with a flapjack. Slater goes to the corner and punches Ryder back. He knocks Ryder down and stomps on him. While he taunts Ryder gets up and punches Heath back. Heath whips Ryder into the turnbuckle, runs the ropes and hits a neck breaker for two. Slater punches Ryder in the head and taunts some more before hitting a knee drop for two. Headlock submission to Ryder. They get up. Slater shoves Ryder into the corner and punches him away. He backs up and runs forward only for Ryder to drives knees to the check and hit a missile dropkick. Slater falls against the bottom turnbuckle pad and Ryder hits the Bro Kick. He goes for Rough Ryder, but Slater reverses and whips Ryder into the ropes. Ryder with a facebuster followed by Rough Ryder for the pin.

Winner via Pinfall: Zack Ryder
Time: 02:13


Vickie comes out and heads into the ring.

She says she has issues with AJ, and won’t leave the ring until she comes down and addresses them. She wants a chair!

A chair is set up for Vickie and she sits down on it. She waits for AJ, but she doesn’t come out.


Vickie is still sitting there.

Two weeks ago, AJ overstep her boundaries and put Dolph Ziggler’s Money in the Bank contract on the line. Then last week she did this!

A clip is shown of last week on Raw when AJ slapped Vickie and attacked her in the ring.

She put her hands on her! She is losing control of this show. And if she won’t come out, she’ll talk to this chair.

Vickie comes out and looks at the chair. She pulls a Clint Eastwood and talks to the chair as if it was AJ.

AJ comes out and heads into the ring. No skipping.

She just got off the phone with the Board of Directors. They said her actions were juvenile. She is not to put her hands on any superstar, manager, or anyone else ever again. And they want her to apologize. So she’s just gonna say it: she’s sorry.

Oh AJ, that is so touching. But she doesn’t understand. Is she apologizing for being an inept GM, or is she apologizing to her? If she doesn’t understand, let her put it a different way. She demands that AJ apologize to her right now!

AJ stares at Vickie.

Vickie…she’s sorry.

That is so pathetic. She wants her to apologize and make it MEAN something!

She hesitates.

Vickie…she apologizes.

Vickie then slaps her in the face. AJ is about to hit her back.

Oh no no, AJ. She’s not allowed to hit her.

Vickie goes to leave, but stops and slaps her again. She laughs as she walks away from the ring.

AJ kicks the chair in frustration, then grabs the chair and smacks it against the mat before screaming at the top of her lungs and tossing the chair out of the ring. She pretty much has a nervous breakdown and falls to the mat crying.

Up next, Cena versus Alberto Del Rio in a Falls Count Anywhere match.


Cole and Miz promote the matches lined up so far for Night of Champions.

John Cena comes out and heads to the ring for his match.

His opponent, Alberto Del Rio, comes out and heads to the ring.

A Tout from Otunga says he’ll be addressing Sheamus for legal actions on Smackdown.


[Match #8]
[Falls Count Anywhere]
[John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio]

The match has already started and Del Rio gives Cena a belly to belly suplex for two. Del Rio kicks Cena while he’s down and covers for another two count. Del Rio with a chin lock submission. Cena gets to his feet and kicks Del Rio back. Del Rio and Cena trade punches, runs the ropes and clothesline each other. They get up. Del Rio ducks a clothesline and hits the backstabber for two. Del Rio steps on Cena’s back and climbs to the top. Del Rio jump off and Cena counters with a dropkick. Cena runs the ropes and hits two shoulder knock downs followed by a spinning powerbomb. Cena off the ropes with Five Knuckle Shuffle. He waits for Del Rio get to up. He goes for AA, but Del Rio grabs the ropes and kicks Cena off. He exits the ring and pulls Cena out before shoving him shoulder first into the ring steps. Del Rio runs over to Cena and hits a double foot stomp on the chest. Del Rio picks Cena up and whips. Cena counters and whips Del Rio into the steps. Alberto jumps on the steps and lands on his feet only for Cena to catch him with a running shoulder tackle for two. Cena goes over to the announce table and pulls it apart. Del Rio with a kick to the back of the head. Del Rio covers for two. Del Rio picks Cena up and goes for a suplex. Cena tries to counter it into AA, but Del Rio slips off and shoves Cena head first into the turnbuckle post. Del Rio grabs a chair and waits for Cena to get up. He swings and Cena ducks. Cena whips Del Rio over the barricade. Cena grabs the ring steps and sets them up against the announce table. Cena shoves Del Rio into the barricade, and then carries Del Rio on his shoulders to the steps. He climbs up on them and goes for AA, but Del Rio counters with a back suplex through then announce table! Del Rio covers and gets a two count. Del Rio grabs a microphone as Cena heads into the ring.

Cena, doesn’t he understand? He’s beneath him! WWE and the entire roster is beneath him! Chicago is beneath him! And now, he’s going to break his arm.

Del Rio grabs Cena and goes for the Cross Arm Breaker, but Cena counters with the STF. Del Rio grabs the microphone and smacks Cena in the head with it. Del Rio gets up and runs towards Cena, but John moves out of the way and Del Rio falls out of the ring landing on his knee. Cena exits the ring and goes over to Del Rio. Del Rio witha punch to the gut followed by a suplex on the ramp for two. They fight to the top of the ramp. Cena knocks Del Rio down. He grabs a speaker from the ground and holds it up, but Del Rio is able to knocks him down. The two head into the back and fight each other in the backstage area. Cena knocks Del Rio into the interview area. Del Rio with a headbutt to Cena. He goes for Cross Arm breaker, but Cena catches him with Attitude Adjustment. CM Punk comes out of nowhere and kicks Cena in the back of the head. He grabs Del Rio and drops him on top of Cena for the three count.

[Winner via Pinfall: Alberto Del Rio]
[Time: 13:07]

Punk grabs Cena and gives him the Go To Sleep on the hood of his car. Punk looks down at Cena.


Punk holds up the WWE Championship and gets back in his car. As the car drives off, Paul Heyman can be seen in the driver’s seat. With Cena laid out, the show comes to an end.