Eagle-Link Flowers to Harness the potential of US Market

Eagle-Link Flowers to Harness the potential of the US flower Market. Kenyan Exporters of fresh cut flower are moving to exploit a huge market potential by increasing their flower exports to the United States. Kenyan flower exporters are seeking ways to increase their exports to the US which have remained significantly low in the last two years

Eagle-Link Flowers to Harness the potential of the US flower Market. Kenyan Exporters of fresh cut flower are moving to exploit a huge market potential by increasing their flower exports to the United States. Kenyan flower exporters are seeking ways to increase their exports to the US which have remained significantly low in the last two years

The most preferred way of getting the market is by supplying cut flowers to supermarket chains across the United States. Supermarkets have buyer power and retailer power and they control most fresh produce sales.

Eagle-Link Flowers’ focus will be on increasing the export of big-headed roses to compete with Colombia that currently accounts for more than 80 per cent of flower exports to the US. We have been doing many promotions in major US cities like Miami and New York. This will fully exploit the US market.

The timeline for flowers exported to the United States from Kenya, they are cut on day one, air-shipped out of Kenya on day two, arrive in Miami or New York on day three and are in the market for sale to consumers on day four. Despite the long distance, Kenyan Flowers are known to have a long vase-life.

Eagle-Link Flowers Exports Flowers of Premium Quality to Our Clients Worldwide. Fresh cut flower like Roses, Spray Roses, Carnation, Chrysanthemum, Lilies & Fillers; for Major Floral Outlets, Supermarkets, Wholesale Markets like Auctions, Florists and Flower Shops, weddings and Events Planners, Resorts and Individual Customers.