Pioneering Aviator, Activist, and Political Spouse Janey Hart Dies at 93

Jane Hart, an aviator, activist, and “American heroine,” died June 5 at the age of 93 from complications arising from Alzheimer’s disease.

Though her husband, Philip Hart (D-Mich.) was a long-serving and well-respected U.S. senator—sometimes described as the “conscience of the Senate”—Jane Hart, known as Janey, transcended the traditional role of a political spouse, charting her own course and claiming her own victories. 

“It was and is a union of opposites,” the Toledo Blade wrote of the couple in 1968. “Phil Hart is quiet, gentle, easy-going, and judicious. Jane is forceful, direct, impatient, and somewhat distant.” Phil Hart died of cancer in 1976.

“Few spouses of high-ranking public officials were as well known for their outspokenness on public matters as Mrs. Hart,” the Washington Post declared in its obituary.

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