Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s Mumbai reception saw massive attendance of the Bollywood celebs as well as the business biggies including the Ambanis. But the reception had a little surprise for Reliance chairperson Mukesh Ambani who was present with his family when a paparazzi lodged a complaint to the top boss himself and said, “Sir, Jio nahi chal raha!”
However, it was a joke and Mukesh Ambani took it like one.
Mukesh Ambani was present with his wife Nita Ambani, daughter Isha, sons Akash and Anant, Akash’s fiancee Shloka Mehta and Anant’s just friend Radhika Merchant. The incident took place when the family was busy getting clicked by media. The person who said it was also one of the photographers.
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