Bully Ray Claims To Be Only "Legitimate Heel" In Wrestling Right Now

Bully Ray recently spoke with Kevin Eck of Sporting News for an interview, and spoke about his thoughts on being the only true legitimate heel in the pro wrestling business right now, as well as the possibility of retirement. Featured below are some of the highlights.

On being the only legitimate heel in the business: “I say this without ego and I’m not blowing smoke up my own ass, but I thoroughly believe that in all of wrestling today, I am the only pure, legitimate heel in the business. It is my job as the veteran to come up with these scenarios where all of these younger wrestlers can shine by standing up to me.”

On the possibility of retirement: “I’ve said the same thing since Day 1: I will continue to [wrestle] as long as I am having fun, making money and am able to make a difference. At 47 years old, I’m still going as strong as I ever have. I’m able to give back to a company and I’m able to see other people flourish because of my character. When I do eventually retire for good, I’ll be able to look back on every company that I was a part of and say here’s how I helped there. And, oh, by the way, I made one hell of a name for myself and I have a nice pile of money to sit on until the day I die.”

Check out the complete Bully Ray interview at SportingNews.com.

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