Global Inequality Reaches Levels Not Seen in Nearly 200 Years


Global income inequality has returned to levels recorded in the 1820s—when the Industrial Revolution produced sizable wealth gaps between the rich and poor—according to a new report released Thursday by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

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The sweeping study, “,” uses historical data from eight world regions to present for the first time “systematic evidence” of trends in areas such as health, education, inequality, the environment, and personal security over the past 200 years. 

The report reveals that great strides have been made in some areas such as literacy, life expectancy, and gender inequality. “People’s well-being has generally progressed since the early 20th century across a large part of the world,” it reads.

But while income inequality, as measured by pre-tax household income among individuals within a country, fell between the end of the 19th century until around 1970, it began to rise markedly at that point, perhaps in response to globalization.