Mick Foley Thinks The 24/7 Belt Will "Catch On" With Fans

Wrestling legend Mick Foley was the latest guest on Busted Open Radio where the former world champion discussed his segment revealing the 24/7 title on Monday’s episode of Raw. Foley claims that besides the belt’s poor design, there’s certainly frustration and terror backstage knowing that the fans are not buying in to what the WWE is selling.

The title design was the least of the issues. Look…no matter what you pull out…I was there with Stephanie ringside when we unveiled the Universal Title. So no matter what you pull out of there, unless it was that old hardcore title is gonna be met with some disinterest. It’s still kind of frustrating, not just frustrating but kind of terrifying when you realize they’re not buying what you’re selling.

Foley admits that there are aspects to his promo that he wishes he could change to better convey the fun factor of the title, but does believe that the gimmick will eventually catch on with fans.

I look back…I would have changed so many things. I wouldn’t have come out with a real serious intent when it’s going to be a humorous belt. But I will say…I get to pick and choose what I do…I could have declined, sometimes I do decline things because I want to make an impact when I come back. I do believe…I do believe it’s going to catch on.

Check out a clip of Foley’s interview below.

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