WWE NXT August 12 TV results: Bayley vs Becky No. 1 contender's match, Finn Balor vs. Marcus Louis

by Emerson Witner, WrestlingObserver.com, Wrestling Outsiders Podcast

Preview: Tonight it’s Bayley vs Becky Lynch with the winner moving on to Takeover to face Sasha Banks for the Women’s Title. Plus NXT Champion Finn Balor goes one on one with Marcus Louis!

The Big News: Bayley is the official #1 Contender, pinning Becky Lynch in a good main event with bad commentary. Plus Samoa Joe choked out Baron Corbin.

Show Recap:

-The show began with Mr. Regal confirming that Balor vs Owens at NXT Takeover will be a ladder match. He wished luck to both men, but in a way that you know he was forced to wishing both men luck.

Tye Dillinger defeated Solomon Crowe.

Solomon Crowe is here to kick things off this week. I believe this is his first match since Kevin Owens gave him the power bomb on the ring apron almost three months ago. This is Tye Dillinger’s debut using the Perfect 10 gimmick.

Dillinger is just as perfectly good as he was six months ago when he teaming with Jason Jordan, he’s just now pausing between every move to flash the Perfect 10 sign. Crowe got in his unique ways to do every day moves but this was Dillinger’s match. Tye pulled down his knee pad, which led to Crowe’s comeback. Crowe hit a Diamond Cutter at one point, but no one reacted to it. Finally Tye won by falling backwards and pulling Crowe’s face into his knee. Kind of like Eat Defeat only with the knee.

-Earlier today Mojo Rawley and Zack Ryder had a meeting. Ryder asked him to stop calling him at 3 in the morning and wondered why Mojo was in his gear even though they don’t have a match. Mojo talked about getting 12 chicks at the club last night and Corey Graves called him a liar on commentary.

Baron Corbin defeated Axl Tischer

You know the story of this match. The fans chanted boring at Baron before the match even started and before I could type that Baron won with End of Days.

-After the match Baron took the mic, calling himself The Real Deal. RD Reynolds should challenge him to a match. Instead of RD, Steve Cutler attacked him and got laid out as well. He said no one gets up from End of Days and that brought out Samoa Joe.

Joe challenged him to a match and Baron said he already fought two men. As Baron left they slammed shoulders into each other so Baron kicked his butt. No seriously. Baron dropped him over and over again with punches to the face. Finally Joe got on the Coquina Clutch and choked out Baron.

-A new Bull Fit video aired. He threw medicine balls at the ground and lifted some weights.

-Tyler Breeze cut a promo with his phone. He called Jushin “Yushin”. Maybe he thought it was Okami. Anyway Breeze referred to himself as the Face Of The Rising Sun.

NXT Champion Finn Balor pinned Marcus Louis

It has now been 11 months and 1 day since Louis lost his hair when Sylvester Lefort lost a Hair vs Hair match to Enzo Amore. Louis’ hair still hasn’t grown back.

These two had an actual match and was not just a Balor squash. Mind you it only went 4 minutes, but still. Balor hit the Slingblade, the corner dropkick and the Coup de Grace for the win.

-As Balor was walking away after the bout, Kevin Owens ran out and attacked Finn. Kevin went for the Power Bomb on the ring apron, but Balor got out of it. Finn gave him a running dropkick, which sent Owens crashing through the guardrails. Back inside the ring Owens turned the tables on Finn and dropped him with the Pop Up Power Bomb.

-Greg Hamilton interviewed The Vaudevillians. They vowed to have someone in their corner to take care of Alexa Bliss. This brought Alexa in and she slapped both men for the second time.

I have this knot in the put of my stomach that it’s Eva Marie. I hope I am wrong.

-An Apollo Crews training video aired. They showed him giving someone a standing suplex and doing a squat while holding the guy up. His debut is at Takeover in 10 days.

-Samoa Joe vs Baron Corbin is now official for NXT Takeover: Brooklyn.

-They showed the WWE 2k16 Terminator commercial. Anyone else notice that it lists Dean Ambrose as the United States Champion?

In a #1 Contender’s Match, Bayley defeated Becky Lynch

The love of my life, the NXT Woman’s Champion Sasha Banks, joined the announce table for this main event. The winner will go to Takeover in 10 days to face Sasha for the 7 pounds of silver and purple.

The fans entertained themselves at the start of the match by singing Becky’s theme song. Corey asked Sasha what it was like to compete in the best city in the world, New York City. Shockingly it was Rich, not Sasha, that brought up that the champ is from Boston.

Corey Graves was especially annoying in this match. Rich tried to put over how Becky is working over Bayley’s arm, setting it up for the Armbreaker and Corey just started bragging about Sasha’s finisher. That’s all fine and everything if Sasha was in this match.

If you ignore the announcing this match was quite good and continued the storyline of Bayley overcoming all obstacles in her way. Becky went for a top rope Something, but Bayley stopped her and dropped her with a Running Powerslam. Becky slapped on the Disarmer, but Bayley was in the ropes. Bayley blocked an Armbar and won with a school girl!

-After the match Sasha stood on the ramp holding the belt over her head while Bayley made motions about wanting to be champion. That is it for yet another week of NXT! Next week is the go home show and until then make sure to say your vitamins and take your prayers!